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6200 Aabenraa Lundsbjerg Industrivej 8

Lr-International Danmark Aps kort

Lr-International Danmark Aps

Telefon: 74 31 00 33


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LR Health & Beauty Systems ApS blev grundlagt i 1992, og er ikke kun blevet en af de mest succesrige virksomheder indenfor direkte salg i Danmark men er idag en af de større udbydere af kvalitetsprodukter, indenfor parfume, kosmetik, kropspleje, wellnessprodukter og kosttilskud på det danske marked.


KOSMETIK  PARFUME  kropspleje  skønhedspleje  pleje  wellness  wellnessprodukter  krop  sjæl  aloe  vera  

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The first two digits of the partnernumber match the country code (as in DE for Germany or AU for Australia). What follows is the actual partnernumber. Password / Code-Nr

Please use the 4 digit code on your LR card for your first Login. After your registration you can log in with your personal password. Forgot your password?

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LR is one of Volkswagen's major clients
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16.000 partners celebrated LR's 25th anniversary
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Enjoy product benefits

As customer you have opted for German top quality products. Moreover, you benefit from flexible and individual advice.
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Gain extra income

As partner you have further benefits. By selling the products at the recommended retail price you can achieve an attractive extra income.
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Become independent

As a sales partner you have the chance to tap the full potential of the LR business. The main aim is to become self employed with LR.
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LR products

Products catalogues Aloe Vera Colostrum Microsilver Serox PLATINUM Deluxe LR.Joyce

Company LR

Development Direct sales Press center LR GLOBAL KIDS FUND Dr. Jens Abend Tilo Plöger Andreas Rutsch Thomas Heursen Patrick Sostmann

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Internet  Computer  Kommunikation  Kultur  Underholdning  Restauranter  Restaurationer  Helse  Sundhed  Velvære  Byggeri  Håndværk  Job  Uddannelse  Undervisning  Pizzeriaer  Forbrugsgoder  Reklamebureauer  RESTAURANTS  Transport