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9000 Aalborg Dag Hammarskjølds Gade 4

98 79 12 21

Sven Bugge

Gold implantation is a pain treatment for patients with low back pain and osteoarthrosis Read about the treatment, earlier experiences, the doctor and practical information

Sven Bugge detaljer     Sven Bugge Websted (
9000 Aalborg Valmuemarken 48

98 13 64 65

Aalborg Akupunkturklinik

Behandling der gør en forskel Effektiv behandling med akupunktur

Aalborg Akupunkturklinik detaljer     Aalborg Akupunkturklinik Websted (
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9000 Aalborg Dag Hammarskjølds Gade 4

98 79 12 21

Sven Bugge

Gold implantation is a pain treatment for patients with low back pain and osteoarthrosis Read about the treatment, earlier experiences, the doctor and practical information

Sven Bugge detaljer     Sven Bugge Websted (
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