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Cliche Hosting. Your next hosting partner.

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Reliable hosting, no server overbooking, control panel, secure and reliable e-mail, POP3/POP3S (TLS/SSL), PHP 5, MySQL 5, phpMyAdmin, free traffic, support for common CMS systems - and no hidden fees!

Our fully owned hosting centre has been in operation since 1997, and thanks to our tens of thousands of customers, today it is one of the biggest and most important data centres in Denmark. More than 500.000 people get their daily e-mail from our data centre. Each day more than 5 million people connect to one of our servers to browse a webpage from our data centre.

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Internet  Computer  Kommunikation  Kultur  Underholdning  Restauranter  Restaurationer  Helse  Sundhed  Velvære  Byggeri  Håndværk  Job  Uddannelse  Undervisning  Pizzeriaer  Forbrugsgoder  Reklamebureauer  RESTAURANTS  Transport